According to Time Magazine lawsuits are being brought up by Mexico and other Latin American countries against Arizona for it's new laws against illegal immigrants. Arizona is enforcing FEDERAL immigration laws. How can a US judge even consider accepting any filing from a foreign country concerning US laws?
You know, that bothers me. Where does the money go that is paid for court costs and everything else during trial? Lawyers. So, if it costs hundreds of thousand or even millions to go to trial, as a state representative -shouldn't the trial cost nothing? You have your own lawyers, paid by the State. The courts are all on State or Federal payroll. Why should it costs a penny? Why can Mexico and every Latin American country sue a State of our union?
Decadence will do this to a people.
It also seems the wonderful world of car bombs has come to mexico (sarcasm). A cartel used one the other day in Cuidad Juarez killing three and wounding some others. Seems a phone call was made to get the police to go to the location then they detonated it. It is only a matter of time before one goes off on our side of the border.
Apparently, the story being dealt out from the corporate media is that these dastardly Mexican criminals are stealing extremely powerful explosive materials from manufacturing sites, with the added punch line being -that they are also being transported across border into Mexico. I found it especially sadistic in nature to also read that these style of "attacks" appeared to be copied out of the AL Quaeda training manuals. It's enough to raise awareness to the open border policy we currently have with Mexico, and suggest that we really needed to focus on legitimate security instead of wasting money and resources at policing our own people, turning our country into a massive police state.
But, I feel that all of this will fall on deaf ears.
The American People have become too detached from reality -they consume, watch television, and whine about politics as if they actually still have choices. The terrible reality is being carried out, with Arizona attempting to lead the charge to assault this act of war waged by Mexico, and all that is being done elsewhere is lawsuits permitted to be levied against Arizona by foreign Latin American countries. The rest of the states need to pony-up and enforce the same standard or else we will be looking at Arizona becoming an independent Latin country, complete with its own language, rampant crime rate, and drug lord cartel run legislature.
Enough is enough.
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